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  1. 山下校區2000噸蓄水池位於游泳館前方,預計113年10月21日至114年1月26日進行拆除作業,施工圍籬範圍及游泳館出入動線改道如附件所示,施工期間,造成不便,敬請見諒。
  2. 如遇颱風天或天候惡劣或疫情等其他因素影響導致無法如期作業,將延後施工時間,本公告如有未盡事宜,請各單位依業務權責自行調整宣達事項。

Demolition of Underground Water Basin at Downhill Campus- Alternate Route Required

  1. The demolition of the underground water basin at Downhill Campus will take place from October 21, 2024, to January 26, 2025. Please avoid the work areas and use the alternate walking path to access the Swimming Pool, as shown in the attached image. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation.
  2. Please note, the construction schedule is subject to change due to typhoons or other adverse weather conditions, which may result in delays. If any issues arise that are not covered in this announcement, please adjust and disseminate the updated information as per your authority and responsibility.
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